Sunday, August 12, 2007

And The Moral of the Story Is...

Getting to these little Mixtec pueblos takes some maneuvering. The pickup truck left a bit earlier and I stopped to talk, so I missed it by 15 minutes. Cursing myself since I would have to go the next day and have one day less of interviewing San Jose Lagunas, a Mixtec town of 800 that has 200 of it´s residents in NYC, I went into a small tienda to buy a phone card to tell the señora where I am staying that I would be coming back for the night. The man in the tienda asked where I was from and told me he had worked in New York, not a surprise since half of Tlapa has spent time in NYC. He told me he worked in Manhattan and when I asked where, he said¨at 96th St. and Broadway - at a taco truck...I almost fell over when he told me since I have been doing an ethnographic study of that very truck since October. As it turns out, he and his sister are the founding owners of the taco truck. I happened to have my computer to show photos of the truck and the workers. I sat and talked with him and his family for more than three hours in the tienda, getting all of my questions about the taco truck answered. So as it goes, just when you think everything is in a mess, it´s really the way it´s supposed to be - so enjoy the moment.

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